University of Minnesota

School of Public Health

Statistical Methods for Correlated Data

PubH 7430

R plotting code

Graphing code from class:

Example code for Latex handouts:

  • Latex code to set some formatting for all my handouts, including: defining page size and a new font size (which I use whenever I print SAS code within a handout), and including calls to several Latex packages (multi-column, verbatim typing, landscape pages nested within portrait pages, graphics).
  • Latex code for the "Contact Time Study: ANOVA-based analyses" handout. This handout has paragraphs of text and reads in SAS code and output files. After compilation, the handout is supposed to look like this.
  • Latex code for the "GLM: Sources of Correlation" handout. This handout has an enumerated list of text paragraphs, and some basic math environment (in particular, matrices). After compilation, the handout is supposed to look like this.
  • Latex code for the "Orthodontic Study: GLMM modeling from start to finish" handout. This handout has paragraphs of text, reads in SAS code and output files, and includes tables and graphics. After compilation, the handout is supposed to look like this.

  • R code to compute a p-value or table quantile for a mixture of chi-squares with df 0 and 1. This should also work in S-Plus.
  • R code to compute a p-value or table quantile for a mixture of chi-squares (such as with df 1 and 2). This should also work in S-Plus.