addvar_ function(model, addv1 = rep(0,model$rows[1]), addv2 = rep(0,sum(model$ptab.len) - model$rows[1]), plotit = F, labs = c(rep("d",model$rows[1]), rep("c",sum(model$ptab.len)-model$rows[1]), rep("p",dim(model$X)[1]-sum(model$ptab.len))) ) { rX1_ model$rows[1]; X _ model$X; rX_ dim(X)[1] if (length(addv1) > rX1 || length(c(addv1,addv2)) > rX) stop("\nadded variable doesn't have the right length.") Y _ model$Y G _ model$Ghe * model$g.diag E _ Y - X %*% as.matrix(model$mean.theta) sE_ as.vector(G * E) temp_ svd(X * G) V _ temp$u %*% t(temp$u) addv2_ c(rep(0,rX1),addv2,rep(0,rX-length(addv2)-rX1)) B_ as.matrix(c(addv1,rep(0,rX-rX1)))+ as.matrix(addv2) sB _ B * G avB _ as.vector((diag(rX) - V) %*% sB) av.ls_ lsfit(avB,sE) if (plotit) { plot(avB, sE, xlab="Candidate added variable", ylab="Scaled residuals", type="n") if (all(addv1==0) && all(addv2==0)) warning("added variable has all zero values") text(avB, sE, labs, cex = 1) abline( } av.lsp_ ls.print(, z_ list(avB = as.vector(avB), sE = as.vector(sE), slope = av.lsp$coef.table[2,1], std.err = av.lsp$coef.table[2,2], p.value = av.lsp$coef.table[2,4],) z }