notes.016a  October 18, 2002

Some Basic Facts About IML.


1.  How to define an array of a specified size:

    Example 1:  x = {1.1  1.0  2.3  3.2  4.5}  defines a 1 x 5 array.

    Example 2:  x = {1.1, 1.0, 2.3, 3.2, 4.5} defines a 5 x 1 array.

    Example 3:  x = {1 2 3, 4 5 6} defines a 2 x 3 array:

                    | 1   2   3 |
                x = |           |
                    | 4   5   6 |

    Example 4:  x = j(2, 3, 0) creates a 2 x 3 matrix of all 0's.

    Example 5:  x = j(3) creates a 3 x 3 matrix of all 1's.

    Example 6:  x = j(3, 3, 0) creates a 3 x 3 matrix of all 0's.

    Example 7:  x = 7:10 ;  creates a 1 x 4 matrix x = {7  8  9  10}.

2.  Elementwise specifications:

    Example 8:  x = j(3, 3, 0);
                x[1, 1] = 3 ; x[1, 2] = 5 ; x[1, 3] = 7 ;
                x[2, 1] = 11; x[2, 2] = 13; x[2, 3] = 17 ;
                x[3, 1] = 19; x[3, 2] = 23; x[3, 3] = 29 ;

       These statements create the matrix:

                    |  3    5    7 |
                    |              |
                x = | 11   13   17 |.
                    |              |
                    | 19   23   29 |

     Example 9: y = x[2, 3], with x as above.  Note y = 17.

3.  Operations:

    3.1  Addition of matrices:

         x = {1 2, 3 4} + {3 2, 2 1} = {5 5, 5 5}.

         Note: dimensions must match.

         Subtraction is like addition ...

    3.2  Multiplication of matrices:

         x = {1 2, 3 4} * {3 2, 2 1} = {7 4, 17 10}.

    3.3  Elementwise multiplication of matrices:

         x = {1 2, 3 4} # {3 2, 2 1} = {3 4, 6 4}.

    3.4  Elementwise power of matrices:

         x = {1 2, 3 4}##2 = {1 4, 9 16}.

    3.5  Maximum of two matrices:

         x = {1 2, 3 4} <> {3 2, 2 1} = {3 2, 3 4}.

         Minimum " >< " is similar.

    3.6  Transpose of a matrix:

         If x = {1 2, 3 4}, x` = {1 3, 2 4}.

         Note: this is the backwards-single-quote mark, not
         same as: '.

    3.7  Inverse of a square matrix:

         x = inv{1 2, 3 4} = {-2  1, 1.5  -.5}.

    3.8  Determinant of a square matrix:

         x = det{1 2, 3 4} = -2.

    3.9  Exponential of a matrix:

         x = exp{1 2, 3 4} = {exp(1)  exp(2), exp(3)  exp(4)}.

    3.10 Trace of a square matrix (sum of diagonal terms):

         If x = {1  2, 3  4}, then trace(x) = 1 + 4 = 5.

    3.11 Sum of elements of a matrix:  sumx = sum(x) :

         If x = {1 2 3 4}, then sum(x) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.

4.  Mistakes ...

    x = {1 2, 2, 1}.

    x = {1 2} * {1 2}  (should be: x = {1 2} * {1 2}`).

5.  Subsets of matrices:

            | 3  5   7 |
    If  y = |          |
            | 7  6  13 |,

    then x = y[2, ] = 2nd row = {7  6  13}.

         z = y[ ,2] = 2nd column = {5, 6}.

6.  Joining matrices together vertically:

    If y = {1 2, 3 4} and x = {11 19}, then

                | 1  2 |
                |      |
       y // x = | 3  4 | = [1 2, 3 4, 11 19}.
                |      |
                |11 19 |

    Note: dimensions must match properly for this to work.

7.  Joining matrices together horizontally:

    If x = {1  2, 3  4}  and y = {11, 17},

    then x || y = {1  2  11, 3  4  17}.

8.  More examples -

    if x = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9}  and

       y = x[1, ]          and

       z = x[, 1]          and

       v = x[, 2] || x[, 3]  then

           | 1  2  3 |
       x = | 4  5  6 |  ,
           | 7  8  9 |

       y = |1 2 3|,

           | 1 |
       z = | 4 | ,
           | 7 |

           | 2 |
       w = | 5 | ,
           | 8 |

           | 2  3 |
       v = | 5  6 |
           | 8  9 | .

9.  Functions of matrices, etc.

    8.1 Number of rows of a matrix   :  r = nrow(x) ;
    8.2 Number of columns of a matrix:  c = ncol(x) ;
    8.3 Sum of elements of a matrix: s = sum(x) ;
    8.4 Sum of squares of elements of a matrix: s = ssq(x) ;
    8.5 Absolute value :  absx = abs(x) ;

10. Miscellaneous.

   10.1  Suppose you want to create a 5 x 5 matrix that has the
         the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 down the main diagonal and 0's

         x = j(5, 5, 0) ;

         do i = 1 to 5 ;
            x[i, i] = i ;
         end ;

         print x ;

         Another way to do this:

          b = {1 2 3 4 5} ;
          diagb = diag(b) ;

   10.2  Suppose x and y are n x 1 column vectors, and you want to
         set the i-th element of x equal to a random element of y:

         r = nrow(y) ;

         i = 5 ;

         rand = 1 + int(r * ranuni(-1)) ;

         (note rand is a random integer between 1 and r)

         x[i] = y[rand] ;

11.  Eigenvalues and eigenvectors:

     For a square n x n  matrix A,

     call eigen(x, y, A) ;

     will create an n x 1 vector x of eigenvalues,

             and an n x n matrix y of eigenvectors.

     x = eigval(A) will compute eigenvalues of a square
         matrix A.

     x = eigvec(A) will compute an n x n matrix whose
         columns are eigenvectors of A.

12.  Getting data into iml:

     Create a dataset in 'ordinary' SAS, then 'use' the
     dataset in proc iml.  Read the variables from the dataset into
     vectors or arrays in proc iml.


 DATA lhs ;
      infile '/home/gnome/john-c/5421/' ;

            BODYMASS F31MSTAT
            CIGSA0   CIGSA1   CIGSA2    CIGSA3   CIGSA4   CIGSA5
                     WEIGHT0   WEIGHT1   WEIGHT2  WEIGHT3  WEIGHT4  WEIGHT5 ;

 RUN ;

 proc iml ;

      use lhs ;

      read all var {age gender} into x ;
      read all var {s2fevpos}   into y ;


 quit ;


       The iml section above "uses" the dataset lhs, and puts the
two variables, age and gender, into a 500 x 2 array.  It reads the
one variable  s2fevpos  from lhs and puts the result into a 500 x 1 
column vector.


12.  Writing a dataset out of iml:

     Writing data out of proc iml is accomplished by the use of the
     "create" statement.  For example, in proc iml, the following code
     creates a dataset called 'yobs':

     Example:  within proc iml:


     varnames = {'y1'  'y2'} ;                 * Create  a 1 x 2 array of labels ...
     create yobs from V [colname = varnames];  * V is an  n x 2 array ...
     append from V ;                           * read data from V into yobs

     quit ;

     data yobs; set yobs;                      * dataset yobs has variables y1, y2 on it.
          ysum = y1 + y2 ;


     run ;


/home/gnome/john-c/5421/notes.016a     Last date revised: October 12, 2011.