APPLICATIONS OF SAS IML:                                 SPH 5421 notes.020


     The program below improves on the program in notes.019 in
the following ways:

     1.  It estimates the second derivative matrix numerically (note: this
         may be less accurate than using an exact expression for the second

     2.  If the likelihood does not increase from one step to the next,
         it initiates a step-halving routine.

     3.  If convergence did not occur, it prints a warning message.

     4.  It computes and prints estimated standard errors of
         coefficient estimates and other statistics.


/*    Program to compute maximum likelihood estimates ....           */;
/*    Based on Newton-Raphson methods - uses IML, and approximates   */;
/*    the second derivative matrix numerically.                      */;
/*    Also incorporates step-halving.                                */;

footnote "program: /home/walleye/john-c/5421/ &sysdate &systime" ;

options linesize = 80 ;

data sim ;

     one = 1 ;
     a = 2 ;
     b = 1 ;
     c = .5 ;
     n = 300 ;
     seed = 20000214 ;

/*   Simulated data from logistic distribution                      */;

     do i = 1 to n ;

        u = 2 * i / n ;
        u2 = u*u ;
        prob = 1 / (1 + exp(-a - b * u - c * u*u)) ;
        r = ranuni(seed) ;
        yi = 0 ;
        if r lt prob then yi = 1 ;
        output ;

     end ;

run ;

/*   Logistic analysis of simulated data ......                     */;

proc logistic descending ;
     model yi = u u2 ;
title1 'Proc logistic results ... ' ;
run ;

/*   Begin proc iml ..............................                    */;

proc iml ;

title1 'PROC IML Results ... Maximum likelihood estimation.' ;
title2 'Logistic model.' ;

  use sim ;                        /* Input the simulated dataset     */;

  read all var {one u u2} into x ; /* Read the design matrix into x   */;
  read all var {yi}    into y ;    /* Read the outcome data into y    */;

  p = 3 ;                          /* Set the number of parameters    */;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/;
/*   Module which computes loglikelihood and derivatives ...          */;

  start loglike(beta, p, x, y, l, dl, d2l, evals) ;

     evals = evals + 1 ;
     n = 300 ;
     h = 1e-6 ;

     l = 0 ;                       /*  Initialize log likelihood ...  */;
     dl  = j(p, 1, 0) ;            /*  Initialize 1st derivatives...  */;
     d2l = j(p, p, 0) ;            /*  Initialize 2nd derivatives...  */;

     do i = 1 to n ;

        xi = x[i,] ;
        yi = y[i] ;
        xibeta = xi * beta ;

        w = exp(-xibeta) ;

/*      The log likelihood for the i-th observation ...               */;

        iloglike = log((1 - yi) * w + yi) - log(1 + w) ;

        l = l + iloglike ;   /* Add up the individual loglikelihoods  */

        do j = 1 to p ;

           xij = xi[j] ;

/*      The jth 1st derivative of the log likelihood for the ith obs  */;

           jdlogl = -(1 - yi) * w * xij / ((1 - yi) * w + yi)
                    + w * xij / (1 + w) ;

           dl[j] = dl[j] + jdlogl ;

           do k = 1 to p ;

              xik = xi[k] ;

/*      The jkth 2nd derivative of the log likelihood for the ith obs */;

              betakp = beta; betakm = beta ;
              betakp[k] = beta[k] + h ;
              betakm[k] = beta[k] - h ;

              wjkp = exp(-xi * betakp) ;
              wjkm = exp(-xi * betakm) ;

              term1 = -(1 - yi) * wjkp * xij / ((1 - yi) * wjkp + yi)
                      + wjkp * xij / (1 + wjkp) ;
              term2 = -(1 - yi) * wjkm * xij / ((1 - yi) * wjkm + yi)
                      + wjkm * xij / (1 + wjkm) ;
/*                                                                    */
/*     Here the numerical approximation of the 2nd derivs occurs      */
/*                                                                    */
              jkd2logl = (term1 - term2) / (2 * h) ;

              d2l[j, k] = d2l[j, k] + jkd2logl ;

           end ;

        end ;

     end ;

 finish loglike ;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/;

 eps = 1e-8 ;                     /* Tolerance limit for increments   */
 diff = eps + 1 ;                 /* Preset diff > eps                */
 oldl = -1e20 ;                   /* Preset old likelihood very small */
 p = 3 ;                          /* Set the number of parameters     */
 beta = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00} ;      /* Initialize the param. vector     */
 evals = 0 ;                      /* Preset number of function evals  */

/*  The following do loop stops when the increments in beta are       */;
/*  sufficiently small, or when number of iterations reaches 20,      */;
/*  provided the loglikelihood increases.                             */

 do iter = 1 to 20 while (diff > eps) ;

    run loglike(beta, p, x, y, l, dl, d2l, evals) ;
    invd2l = inv(d2l) ;
    factor = 1 ;
    tbeta = beta - invd2l * dl ;     /* The key Newton step ...      */

    tl = l ; tdl = dl ; td2l = d2l ;

/*  Go into step-halving if the likelihood does not increase ...   */

    if (l < oldl) then do ;

       factor = .5 * factor ;
       tl = oldl - .1 * abs(oldl) ;

       do halves = 1 to 10 while (tl < oldl) ;

          tbeta = beta - factor * invd2l * dl ; /* Step-halving ...*/

          run loglike(tbeta, p, x, y, tl, tdl, td2l, evals) ;
          factor = .5 * factor ;
          print "Step-halving: " iter halves tbeta tl  tdl  td2l ;

       end ;

       if (tl < oldl) then do ;

          print, "No convergence after " halves "step-halves ..." ;

/*  A stop statement could be inserted here.                      */

       end ;

    end ;

    beta = tbeta ;
    diff = max(abs(factor * invd2l * dl)) ;
    l = tl ; oldl = tl ; dl = tdl ; d2l = td2l ;

    print, iter beta l dl d2l diff ;

 end ;

 if (diff > eps) then do ;

    print, "No convergence after " iter " iterations ..." ;

/*  A stop statement could be inserted here also.                 */

 end ;

 serr = j(p, 1, 0) ;

 do i = 1 to p ;

    serr[i] = sqrt(-invd2l[i, i]) ;  /* Standard errs = sqrt(diag) ...*/

 end ;

 minvd2l = -invd2l ;
 m2l = -2 * l ;

 print, "Number of function evaluations: " evals ;
 print, "-2 * loglikelihood: " m2l ;
 print, "Estimated Coefficients, standard errors: ", beta serr ;
 print, "Estimated covariance matrix of coeffs: ", minvd2l ;


                           Proc logistic results ...                           1
                                                 15:35 Sunday, February 20, 2000

                             The LOGISTIC Procedure

     Data Set: WORK.SIM     
     Response Variable: YI        
     Response Levels: 2
     Number of Observations: 300
     Link Function: Logit

                                Response Profile
                             Value      YI     Count

                                 1       1       282
                                 2       0        18

      Model Fitting Information and Testing Global Null Hypothesis BETA=0
                 Intercept        and   
   Criterion       Only       Covariates    Chi-Square for Covariates

   AIC             138.181       128.866         .                          
   SC              141.884       139.977         .                          
   -2 LOG L        136.181       122.866       13.315 with 2 DF (p=0.0013)  
   Score              .             .          13.812 with 2 DF (p=0.0010)  

                    Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
               Parameter Standard    Wald       Pr >    Standardized     Odds
   Variable DF  Estimate   Error  Chi-Square Chi-Square   Estimate      Ratio

   INTERCPT 1     1.4494   0.5449     7.0761     0.0078            .     .   
   U        1     1.5957   1.7217     0.8590     0.3540     0.508763    4.932
   U2       1     0.0901   1.0376     0.0075     0.9308     0.059512    1.094

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

                   Concordant = 74.3%          Somers' D = 0.494
                   Discordant = 25.0%          Gamma     = 0.497
                   Tied       =  0.7%          Tau-a     = 0.056
                   (5076 pairs)                c         = 0.747
           program: /home/walleye/john-c/5421/ 20FEB00 15:35

               PROC IML Results ... Maximum likelihood estimation.              2
                                                 15:35 Sunday, February 20, 2000

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        1 1.2739054 -207.9442       132       -75    -75.25 -100.5006 1.2739054
          0.7852635           140.77333    -75.25 -100.5006 -151.0017
          -0.225213           192.10187 -100.5006 -151.0017 -242.0044

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        2 1.4297536 -77.00134 26.596487  -37.7458 -34.88606 -45.15941 0.8388612
          1.6241247            30.65339 -34.88606 -45.15941 -66.89398
          -0.414557           43.000281 -45.15941 -66.89398 -106.4329

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        3 1.3946428 -64.04277 6.8221913 -22.29749 -17.30946 -20.72237  0.340524
          1.9646487           8.8837897 -17.30946 -20.72237 -29.49548
             -0.332           13.103234 -20.72237 -29.49548 -45.86976

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        4  1.425969 -61.76744 1.4434564 -17.50049  -11.2069 -11.88306  0.284514
           1.742851           2.1711034  -11.2069 -11.88306 -15.66063
          -0.047486           3.4806518 -11.88306 -15.66063 -23.13381

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        5 1.4473961 -61.45224 0.2284664 -16.35777 -9.501674 -9.183819 0.1349817
          1.6078693           0.3841724 -9.501674 -9.183819 -11.23903
          0.0788801           0.6616089 -9.183819 -11.23903 -15.68377

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        6 1.4493858   -61.433 0.0167499 -16.15417 -9.152353   -8.5867 0.0121209
          1.5957484           0.0279566 -9.152353   -8.5867  -10.2298
          0.0900068           0.0484398   -8.5867  -10.2298 -13.96175

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        7  1.449399 -61.43289 0.0001118 -16.13821 -9.125007 -8.539712 0.0000797
          1.5956686           0.0001848 -9.125007 -8.539712 -10.15037
          0.0900803           0.0003188 -8.539712 -10.15037 -13.82647

     ITER      BETA         L        DL       D2L                          DIFF
        8  1.449399 -61.43289 4.8886E-9 -16.13811 -9.124826   -8.5394 3.4694E-9
          1.5956686           8.0761E-9 -9.124826   -8.5394 -10.14984
          0.0900803           1.3924E-8   -8.5394 -10.14984 -13.82558

           program: /home/walleye/john-c/5421/ 20FEB00 15:35

               PROC IML Results ... Maximum likelihood estimation.              3
                                Logistic model.  15:35 Sunday, February 20, 2000

                   Number of function evaluations:          8

                         -2 * loglikelihood:  122.86577

                   Estimated Coefficients, standard errors: 

                                   BETA      SERR
                               1.449399 0.5448694
                              1.5956686 1.7217044
                              0.0900803 1.0375623

                    Estimated covariance matrix of coeffs: 

                         0.2968827 -0.779218 0.3886808
                         -0.779218 2.9642661 -1.694886
                         0.3886808 -1.694886 1.0765356

           program: /home/walleye/john-c/5421/ 20FEB00 15:35

     The program above, and in fact any program which computes maximum likelihood
estimates, can produce wrong answers.  It can converge to a local maximum which is
not the true maximum, or to a saddle point (place where the derivatives are zero but
is not a maximum or minimum). It can simply fail to converge at all, or can converge
to absurd values which cannot be realized biologically.  Convergence can depend very
strongly on initial esimates, and some exploratory work may need to be done in
advance (for example, using linear approximations) to provide good initial

     A possible weakness in the above program is the numerical estimation of the
second derivative matrix.  The accuracy of numerical estimates of derivatives
depends critically on the size of the parameter h .  In this case, h was set equal
to 1e-6.  If it is set much smaller than that, there will be problems with computing
accuracy because there is a limit to how many digits the computing software stores
for each real number.  In SAS, all computations are done in double precision, and h
could probably be set to 1e-8 without causing a problem.

     Recall that an approximate 1st derivative for a function f(x) is

         f'(x) =  [f(x + h) - f(x - h)] / (2*h).

     Similarly, an approximate 2nd derivative is

         f''(x) = [f(x + 2*h) + f(x - 2*h) - 2 * f(x)] / (4 * h*h).

     Here the denomator is 4*h*h; thus if h = 1e-6, the denominator is at or near
the limit of accuracy of computation even in double precision.  Thus although
numerical approximations to second derivatives can be done, they will be even more
subject to computational error than those for first derivatives.

     Another minor weakness in the program occurs at the beginning of the IML
section, with the statement

        n = 300 ;

     This statement regarding the sample size of the dataset is explicitly coded
into the likelihood function module.  It would be better to have the sample size
determined by the dataset itself.  This can be done through the use of a macro
variable, to be discussed later.



      Write a maximum likelihood estimation program for data (T, X), where T is a
survival time, and X is a vector of covariates, and the conditional distribution of
Y given X is exponential:

      prob(T < t | X) = 1 - exp(-t * (X * beta)), for t > 0.

     More explicitly, assume that for the i-th person, the observed survival time is
ti, and Xi = (1, agei)`.  That is, the i-th person's survival time depends on that
person's age (at the beginning of the study). In this case, beta = (B0, B1)`.  The
exponential CDF of T conditional on X is thus:

     prob(T < t | X) = 1 - exp(-t * (B0 + B1 * age)).

     The PDF is the derivative of the CDF with respect to t.  You will need to
work with the PDF in doing this problem.

     The object of the analysis is to estimate B0 and B1.  You should also perform
a test of the hypothesis that B1 = 0 as described in the Appendix to notes.019.

     Use the following initial estimates: B0 = .2, B1 = .2.

     The program may work better if you use the exact expressions for both the
first and second derivatives rather than the numerical approximation.

     The test dataset is the following:

  OBS      AGE       T
   1     0.0931   5.62994  
   2     0.6825   6.57191  
   3     0.8927   2.54954  
   4     1.5869   2.54606  
   5     1.6003   1.15370  
   6     1.6646   1.24921  
   7     2.0518   0.05831  
   8     2.0894   0.59835  
   9     2.2963   0.70921  
  10     2.3751   0.09628  
  11     2.4290   2.66394  
  12     2.8505   2.04750  
  13     3.9073   0.96704  
  14     3.9378   0.48032  
  15     4.5191   0.34689  
  16     5.5660   0.21520  
  17     5.6108   0.52901  
  18     6.1112   0.48802  
  19     6.3737   0.00484  
  20     6.6923   0.45718  
  21     6.8968   0.20422  
  22     6.9071   0.93855  
  23     7.2477   0.04297  
  24     7.5362   0.36811  
  25     7.7595   0.24867  
  26     8.1425   0.00611  
  27     8.7957   0.26880  
  28     9.5102   0.00134  
  29     9.7572   0.00631  
  30     9.8959   0.09441  
  31    10.2688   0.00195  
  32    10.3519   0.11509  
  33    10.6757   0.46864  
  34    11.6380   0.05539  
  35    12.1047   0.32790  
  36    12.3934   0.06539  
  37    13.1758   0.27457  
  38    14.0182   0.03294  
  39    14.4035   0.01287  
  40    14.6230   0.08795  
  41    15.1447   0.07662  
  42    15.5620   0.00006  
  43    15.6788   0.05757  
  44    16.3669   0.03507  
  45    16.4008   0.06219  
  46    16.5179   0.28215  
  47    16.8670   0.08094  
  48    17.9720   0.00258  
  49    18.2080   0.10972  
  50    18.6951   0.02063  
  51    19.3668   0.05690  
  52    19.4576   0.08034  
  53    20.0762   0.14633  
  54    20.3164   0.08896  
  55    20.6885   0.18534  
  56    20.8577   0.01693  
  57    20.8636   0.42841  
  58    21.2643   0.07275  
  59    21.7970   0.13027  
  60    21.8349   0.22166  
  61    22.4181   0.11848  
  62    22.9595   0.05473  
  63    23.0442   0.01807  
  64    23.3808   0.51152  
  65    24.7859   0.09666  
  66    25.0556   0.02394  
  67    25.1192   0.00634  
  68    25.1921   0.07799  
  69    25.5029   0.13645  
  70    26.8159   0.01525  
  71    27.2633   0.22272  
  72    28.2087   0.21042  
  73    28.2235   0.03343  
  74    28.5499   0.11511  
  75    28.8990   0.05993  
  76    29.4803   0.10167  
  77    29.8006   0.01807  
  78    29.8947   0.14480  
  79    30.2257   0.23459  
  80    31.4659   0.03437  
  81    31.8060   0.03392  
  82    32.6798   0.01267  
  83    32.9508   0.06466  
  84    33.0339   0.01766  
  85    34.4671   0.00846  
  86    34.4701   0.06582  
  87    35.0643   0.00761  
  88    35.2887   0.39833  
  89    35.5018   0.00137  
  90    35.8315   0.10726  
  91    35.9420   0.05192  
  92    35.9431   0.07865  
  93    36.1816   0.10730  
  94    36.4298   0.07252  
  95    36.4939   0.03098  
  96    36.6815   0.05515  
  97    36.9500   0.03848  
  98    37.5995   0.04957  
  99    38.4104   0.08323  
 100    39.6751   0.01132  

Problem 19.2: Zero-inflated Poisson

In the following datafile, the observations were generated as follows:

   The value of obsn is 0 with probability r + (1 - r) * exp(-lambda), where 0 < r < 1

   For k > 0, the value of obsn is k with probability 

       (1 - r) * (lambda)^k * exp(-lambda) / k!

   (where k! means k factorial).

   Here r and lambda are both fixed constants.  Find the maximum likelihood estimates of
   r and lambda and estimate their standard errors.  Test the hypothesis that r = 0.


                         The SAS System                        1
                               17:42 Wednesday, October 27, 2010

                          Obs    obsn

                            1      5 
                            2      4 
                            3      0 
                            4      4 
                            5      5 
                            6      5 
                            7      3 
                            8      3 
                            9      3 
                           10      0 
                           11      0 
                           12      2 
                           13      2 
                           14      4 
                           15      6 
                           16      2 
                           17      2 
                           18      4 
                           19      3 
                           20      2 
                           21      2 
                           22      4 
                           23      4 
                           24      3 
                           25      2 
                           26      0 
                           27      0 
                           28      0 
                           29      4 
                           30      6 
                           31      0 
                           32      0 
                           33      5 
                           34      4 
                           35      1 
                           36      2 
                           37      5 
                           38      3 
                           39      4 
                           40      0 
                           41      2 
                           42      1 
                           43      6 
                           44      1 
                           45      2 
                           46      1 
                           47      0 
                           48      0 
                           49      7 
                           50      0 
                           51      4 
                           52      3 
                           53      6 
                           54      2 
                           55      0 
                           56      3 
                           57      5 
                           58      0 
                           59      3 
                           60      1 
                           61      5 
                           62      4 
                           63      2 
                           64      3 
                           65      1 
                           66      4 
                           67      0 
                           68      3 
                           69      4 
                           70      5 
                           71      6 
                           72      4 
                           73      0 
                           74      4 
                           75      7 
                           76      1 
                           77      4 
                           78      2 
                           79      4 
                           80      0 
                           81      5 
                           82      5 
                           83      5 
                           84      3 
                           85      2 
                           86      0 
                           87      5 
                           88      5 
                           89      0 
                           90      3 
                           91      4 
                           92      2 
                           93      4 
                           94      2 
                           95      3 
                           96      3 
                           97      0 
                           98      1 
                           99      0 
                          100      0 
        ~john-c/5421/ 27OCT10 17:42
/home/walleye/john-c/5421/notes.020    Last update: November 14, 2011