SAS PROC NLIN                                                  SPH 5421 notes.026

     PROC NLIN is a procedure to find least-squares estimates of
coefficients for nonlinear models.  The underlying model is of the form

               Yi = f(Xi; B) + ei,

where the ei are assumed to be normally distributed, ei ~ N(0, sig^2), B
is a vector of unknown coefficients, and Xi is a vector of covariates.  
In general the function f is nonlinear in the coefficients B.  The
randomness in the data is all contained in the ei.

     In general, we will assume that Xi is a k-vector.  The number of
unknown parameters may not equal k in general; we shall assume that B is a
p x 1 vector.

     Here is an example:

[1]           Yi = a * exp(-b * ti) + ei

     In this case, Xi = ti, and B = (a, b)`.  The unknowns to be found are
a, b, and sig^2.

     Note that if this problem were changed just slightly, as follows,

[2]           Yi = a * exp(-b + ti) + ei,

it would no longer be a nonlinear problem, because it could be written as

[3]           Yi = a + c * ui + ei,

where c = exp(-b) and ui = exp(ti).  It is thus just an ordinary linear
regression problem.  You would estimate b by first estimating c and then
noting that

              b = -log(c).

Hopefully your estimate of  c  is a positive number, since otherwise b will be

     In general if you can transform a nonlinear problem into a linear
one, you should do so and not bother with using PROC NLIN.

     But the original model [1] is not linear.  It cannot be converted to
be linear without changing the error structure.

     Here is how PROC NLIN works.  Consider the sum of squares

            SS = sum_i(Yi - f(Xi; B))^2.

     The objective is to find coefficients B which minimize this sum of
squares.  This is equivalent to finding maximum likelihood estimates of
the coefficients.

     You proceed as follows: take the first derivative of SS with respect
to each of the components of B = (b1, b2, b3, ... , bp)`, and set these
derivatives equal to zero:

[4]         dSS/dbj = -2 * sum_i(Yi - f(Xi; B)) * df/dbj = 0.

     Note here that j is the index of the j-th parameter, while i is the
index of the i-th observation.  [4] is in fact a system of p equations.  
In general these equations are not linear.

     PROC NLIN can solve this system of equations by the use of several
algorithms, most of which are variants of the Newton-Raphson algorithm.  
You need to specify the function f(X; B) and its first derivatives, and
which algorithm you want PROC NLIN to use.

     The program below illustrates the use of several methods for PROC NLIN.
In the older versions of SAS (through Version 6.12), it was necessary to
specify the derivatives of the model with respect to the parameters.  This is
done in some of the versions listed below, for example:


proc nlin method = marquardt ;
     parms a  .50
           b  .50 ;

     der.a = 1 - exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;
     der.b = - (x - 8) * (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

     model y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

title 'PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = MARQUARDT ' ;
run ;


     However, later versions of SAS replaced the requirement that you supply
the derivative expressions with a method of automatic analytic computation of
the derivatives.  This means that you can omit the statments like 'der.a = ... ' .
Note that this is used in the 'method = newton' example below.

     It is also possible to have SAS perform an initial grid search for a
good starting point for the parameters.  This is also incorporated into
the 'metho = newton' example:


proc nlin method = newton ;
     parms a  .2 to .6 by .05
           b  .01 to .5 by .05 ;

*    der.a = 1 - exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;
*    der.b = - (x - 8) * (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

     model y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

title 'PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = NEWTON with Initial Search ' ;
run ;


     Regarding the DUD method: This method uses numerical estimation of the
derivatives.  As you can see from the printout, this method fails to work even
when you incorporate an initial search.  It is not recommended.

     The dataset below is from the textbook, Applied Regression Analysis,
by N. Draper and H. Smith. The nonlinear regression problem involves
the amount of available chlorine in a product which is used for washing
clothes.  The amount of available chlorine deteriorates with time.  In
the following table, X is the time in weeks of storage of the product,
and Y is the amount of available chlorine:

   X = time   Y = chlorine
   --------   ------------
       8         0.49
       8         0.49
      10         0.48
      10         0.47
      10         0.48
      10         0.47
      12         0.46
      12         0.46
      12         0.45
      12         0.43
      14         0.45
      14         0.43
      14         0.43
      16         0.44
      16         0.43
      16         0.43
      18         0.46
      18         0.45
      20         0.42
      20         0.42
      20         0.43
      22         0.41
      22         0.41
      22         0.40
      24         0.42
      24         0.40
      24         0.40
      26         0.41
      26         0.40
      26         0.41
      28         0.41
      28         0.40
      30         0.40
      30         0.40
      30         0.38
      32         0.41
      32         0.40
      34         0.40
      36         0.41
      36         0.38
      38         0.40
      38         0.40
      40         0.39
      42         0.39

     The assumed model is:

     Y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (X - 8)) + e,

where e is the error term, assumed N(0, sig2).  Coefficients a and b
are unknown, and the problem is to estimate them.  Note that the
coefficient a occurs in two places in the expression on the right. 
The goal here is to find estimates of a and b and the variance of the
error term, sig2.

     The following is a PROC NLIN program which estimates the coefficients
a and b.  Note that in the printout, only the results of the procedure
with method = marquardt are shown.


/*  Program to illustrate the use of PROC NLIN for nonlinear least */
/*  squares problems.  The data here are from Draper & Smith,      */
/*  Applied Regression Analysis, Wiley & Sons, 1966  (1st edition).*/

/*  Program to illustrate the use of PROC NLIN for nonlinear least */
/*  squares problems.  The data here are from Draper & Smith,      */
/*  Applied Regression Analysis, Wiley & Sons, 1966  (1st edition).*/

/*  Program to illustrate the use of PROC NLIN for nonlinear least */
/*  squares problems.  The data here are from Draper & Smith,      */
/*  Applied Regression Analysis, Wiley & Sons, 1966  (1st edition).*/

options linesize = 80 ;
footnote "prog: /home/walleye/john-c/5421/ &sysdate &systime";
libname sasplus '' ;

FILENAME GRAPH 'gsas.grf' ;
LIBNAME  loc '' ;


         RESET = GLOBAL
         FTEXT = SWISSB
         DEVICE = PS300
         GSFNAME = GRAPH
         CBACK = WHITE
         HTITLE = 2 HTEXT = 1 ;

*===================================================================== ;        

data draper ;

     infile 'draper.dat' ;
     input x y ;

     time = x ;
     chlorine = y ;

run ;

data sasplus.drape ;
     set draper ;
     time = x ;
     chlorine = y ;
run ;

symbol v = 'o' w = 2 h = 1.5 c = black ;

proc gplot data = draper ;
     plot chlorine * time ;
title1 h = 2 'Draper data: Chlorine Concentration vs Storage Time' ;
run ;

proc nlin method = marquardt ;
     parms a  .50
           b  .50 ;

     der.a = 1 - exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;
     der.b = - (x - 8) * (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

     model y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

title 'PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = MARQUARDT ' ;
run ;

proc nlin method = gradient maxiter = 1000 ;
     parms a  .50
           b  .50 ;

     der.a = 1 - exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;
     der.b = - (x - 8) * (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

     model y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

title 'PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = GRADIENT ' ;
run ;
proc nlin method = gauss ;
     parms a  .50
           b  .50 ;

     der.a = 1 - exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;
     der.b = - (x - 8) * (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

     model y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

title 'PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = GAUSS ' ;
run ;

proc nlin method = newton ;
     parms a  .2 to .6 by .05
           b  .01 to .5 by .05 ;

*    der.a = 1 - exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;
*    der.b = - (x - 8) * (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

     model y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

title 'PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = NEWTON with Initial Search ' ;
run ;

title ' ... no title ...' ;

proc nlin method = dud ;
     parms a  .2 to .6 by .05
           b  .01 to .5 by .05 ;

     model y = a + (.49 - a) * exp(-b * (x - 8)) ;

title 'PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = DUD with Initial Search ' ;
run ;

proc iml ;

   use draper ;
   read all var {x} into x ;
   read all var {y} into y ;

   npoint = 0 ;

   a = j(2500, 1, 0) ;
   b = j(2500, 1, 0) ;
   obsn = j(2500, 1, 0) ;
   sumsq = j(2500, 1, 0) ;

   do i = 1 to 50 ;
   do j = 1 to 50 ;

      npoint = npoint + 1 ;
      obsn[npoint] = npoint ;

      a[npoint] = .385 + .01 * i / 50 ;
      b[npoint] = .095 + .01 * j / 50 ;
      ai = a[npoint] ; bj = b[npoint] ;
      sumsq[npoint] = 0 ;

      do k = 1 to 44 ;

         predy = ai + (.49 - ai) * exp(-bj * (x[k] - 8)) ;
         obsdy = y[k] ;
         sumsq[npoint] = sumsq[npoint] + 10000 * (obsdy - predy)**2 ;

      end ;

   end ;

 end ;

 V = obsn || a || b || sumsq ;

 varnames = {'npoint' 'a' 'b' 'sumsq'} ;

 create likesurf from V [colname = varnames] ;
 append from V ;

 quit ;

proc print data = likesurf ;
     where npoint le 2500 ;
run ;

goptions gsfmode = append ;

proc gcontour data = likesurf ;
     plot a * b = sumsq / levels = 50 to 56 by .10 ;
title H = 2 f = swissb 'Sum-of-Squares Surface: Draper-Smith Chlorine Data' ;
run ;

endsas ;

           PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = MARQUARDT           1
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y
                               Method: Marquardt

                                Iterative Phase
                                                      Sum of
                    Iter           a           b     Squares

                       0      0.5000      0.5000      0.2853
                       1      0.4084      6.2850      0.0383
                       2      0.4084      4.1490      0.0383
                       3      0.4084      3.8510      0.0382
                       4      0.4085      2.2122      0.0377
                       5      0.4087      1.6061      0.0362
                       6      0.4105      0.0983      0.0150
                       7      0.4006      0.1199     0.00588
                       8      0.3929      0.1072     0.00505
                       9      0.3904      0.1019     0.00500
                      10      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                      11      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500

        NOTE: Convergence criterion met.                                

                               Estimation Summary

                       Method                   Marquardt
                       Iterations                      11
                       Subiterations                   14
                       Average Subiterations     1.272727
                       R                         1.818E-6
                       PPC(b)                    1.549E-6
                       RPC(b)                    0.000067
                       Object                     7.22E-9
                       Objective                 0.005002
                       Observations Read               44
                       Observations Used               44
                       Observations Missing             0

              NOTE: An intercept was not specified for this model.

                                     Sum of        Mean               Approx
   Source                    DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Pr > F

   Regression                 2      7.9820      3.9910    33513.1    <.0001
   Residual                  42     0.00500    0.000119                     
   Uncorrected Total         44      7.9870                                 
   Corrected Total           43      0.0395                                 
           PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = MARQUARDT           2
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure

                                        Approx      Approximate 95% Confidence
          Parameter      Estimate    Std Error                Limits

          a                0.3901      0.00504      0.3800      0.4003
          b                0.1016       0.0134      0.0747      0.1286

                        Approximate Correlation Matrix
                                       a               b

                       a       1.0000000       0.8878597
                       b       0.8878597       1.0000000
           PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = GRADIENT            3
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y
                                Method: Gradient

                                Iterative Phase
                                                      Sum of
                    Iter           a           b     Squares

                       0      0.5000      0.5000      0.2853
                       1      0.4005      0.4999      0.0290
                       2      0.4239      0.4990      0.0213
                       3      0.4163      0.4988      0.0192
                       4      0.4170      0.4971      0.0192
                       5      0.4159      0.4965      0.0192
                       .         .           .           .
                       .         .           .           .
                       .         .           .           .
                     520      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                     521      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                     522      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                     523      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                     524      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                     525      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                     526      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                     527      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
           PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = GRADIENT           14
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y
                                Method: Gradient

        NOTE: Convergence criterion met.                                

                              Estimation Summary

                       Method                   Gradient
                       Iterations                    527
                       Subiterations                1037
                       Average Subiterations    1.967742
                       R                        8.576E-6
                       PPC(b)                   5.396E-6
                       RPC(b)                   2.161E-6
                       Object                   7.25E-12
                       Objective                0.005002
                       Observations Read              44
                       Observations Used              44
                       Observations Missing            0

              NOTE: An intercept was not specified for this model.

                                     Sum of        Mean               Approx
   Source                    DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Pr > F

   Regression                 2      7.9820      3.9910    33513.1    <.0001
   Residual                  42     0.00500    0.000119                     
   Uncorrected Total         44      7.9870                                 
   Corrected Total           43      0.0395                                 

                                        Approx      Approximate 95% Confidence
          Parameter      Estimate    Std Error                Limits

          a                0.3901      0.00504      0.3800      0.4003
          b                0.1016       0.0134      0.0747      0.1286

                        Approximate Correlation Matrix
                                       a               b

                       a       1.0000000       0.8878586
                       b       0.8878586       1.0000000
             PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = GAUSS            15
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y
                              Method: Gauss-Newton

                                Iterative Phase
                                                      Sum of
                    Iter           a           b     Squares

                       0      0.5000      0.5000      0.2853
                       1      0.4084      6.2850      0.0383
                       2      0.4084      3.1255      0.0382
                       3      0.4084      3.0969      0.0382
                       4      0.4084      2.9622      0.0381
                       5      0.4085      2.4488      0.0379
                       6      0.4086      1.5364      0.0361
                       7      0.4092      0.8175      0.0290
                       8      0.4104      0.1457     0.00877
                       9      0.3944      0.0948     0.00599
                      10      0.3903      0.1017     0.00500
                      11      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                      12      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500

        NOTE: Convergence criterion met.                                

                              Estimation Summary

                     Method                   Gauss-Newton
                     Iterations                         12
                     Subiterations                      15
                     Average Subiterations            1.25
                     R                            3.608E-7
                     PPC(b)                       3.073E-7
                     RPC(b)                       0.000013
                     Object                       6.34E-10
                     Objective                    0.005002
                     Observations Read                  44
                     Observations Used                  44
                     Observations Missing                0

              NOTE: An intercept was not specified for this model.

                                     Sum of        Mean               Approx
   Source                    DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Pr > F

   Regression                 2      7.9820      3.9910    33513.1    <.0001
   Residual                  42     0.00500    0.000119                     
   Uncorrected Total         44      7.9870                                 
   Corrected Total           43      0.0395                                 
             PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = GAUSS            16
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure

                                        Approx      Approximate 95% Confidence
          Parameter      Estimate    Std Error                Limits

          a                0.3901      0.00504      0.3800      0.4003
          b                0.1016       0.0134      0.0747      0.1286

                        Approximate Correlation Matrix
                                       a               b

                       a       1.0000000       0.8878600
                       b       0.8878600       1.0000000
  PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = NEWTON with Initial Search  17
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y

                                   Grid Search
                                                  Sum of
                               a           b     Squares

                          0.2000      0.0100      0.0427
                          0.2500      0.0100      0.0618
                          0.3000      0.0100      0.0861
                          0.3500      0.0100      0.1156
                          0.4000      0.0100      0.1502
                          0.4500      0.0100      0.1899
                          0.5000      0.0100      0.2348
                             .           .           .
                             .           .           .
                             .           .           .
                          0.4000      0.4600      0.0277
                          0.4500      0.4600      0.0622
                          0.5000      0.4600      0.2851
                          0.5500      0.4600      0.6963
                          0.6000      0.4600      1.2960
  PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = NEWTON with Initial Search  19
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y
                                 Method: Newton

                                Iterative Phase
                                                      Sum of
                    Iter           a           b     Squares

                       0      0.4000      0.1100     0.00628
                       1      0.3925      0.1090     0.00504
                       2      0.3901      0.1011     0.00500
                       3      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                       4      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500

        NOTE: Convergence criterion met.                                

                               Estimation Summary

                        Method                    Newton
                        Iterations                     4
                        R                       1.655E-7
                        PPC(b)                  8.322E-8
                        RPC(b)                  0.000239
                        Object                  7.735E-8
                        Objective               0.005002
                        Observations Read             44
                        Observations Used             44
                        Observations Missing           0

              NOTE: An intercept was not specified for this model.

                                     Sum of        Mean               Approx
   Source                    DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Pr > F

   Regression                 2      7.9820      3.9910    33513.1    <.0001
   Residual                  42     0.00500    0.000119                     
   Uncorrected Total         44      7.9870                                 
   Corrected Total           43      0.0395                                 

                                        Approx      Approximate 95% Confidence
          Parameter      Estimate    Std Error                Limits

          a                0.3901      0.00509      0.3799      0.4004
          b                0.1016       0.0135      0.0744      0.1289

                        Approximate Correlation Matrix
                                       a               b

                       a       1.0000000       0.8899899
                       b       0.8899899       1.0000000
    PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = DUD with Initial Search   20
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y

                                   Grid Search
                                                  Sum of
                               a           b     Squares

                          0.2000      0.0100      0.0427
                          0.2500      0.0100      0.0618
                          0.3000      0.0100      0.0861
                          0.3500      0.0100      0.1156
                          0.4000      0.0100      0.1502
                          0.4500      0.0100      0.1899
                          0.5000      0.0100      0.2348
                             .           .           .
                             .           .           .
                             .           .           .
                          0.4000      0.4600      0.0277
                          0.4500      0.4600      0.0622
                          0.5000      0.4600      0.2851
                          0.5500      0.4600      0.6963
                          0.6000      0.4600      1.2960
    PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = DUD with Initial Search   22
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure
                              Dependent Variable Y

                               DUD Initialization
                                                      Sum of
                     DUD           a           b     Squares

                      -3      0.4000      0.1100     0.00628
                      -2      0.4400      0.1100      0.0571
                      -1      0.4000      0.1210     0.00571

                                Iterative Phase
                                                      Sum of
                    Iter           a           b     Squares

                       0      0.4000      0.1210     0.00571
                       1      0.3906      0.1010     0.00501
                       2      0.3902      0.1020     0.00500
                       3      0.3902      0.1018     0.00500
                       4      0.3902      0.1017     0.00500
                       5      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500
                       6      0.3901      0.1016     0.00500

        NOTE: Convergence criterion met.                                

                               Estimation Summary

                        Method                       DUD
                        Iterations                     6
                        Object                  1.035E-9
                        Objective               0.005002
                        Observations Read             44
                        Observations Used             44
                        Observations Missing           0

              NOTE: An intercept was not specified for this model.

                                     Sum of        Mean               Approx
   Source                    DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Pr > F

   Regression                 2      7.9820      3.9910    33513.1    <.0001
   Residual                  42     0.00500    0.000119                     
   Uncorrected Total         44      7.9870                                 
   Corrected Total           43      0.0395                                 

    PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = DUD with Initial Search   23
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                               The NLIN Procedure

                                        Approx      Approximate 95% Confidence
          Parameter      Estimate    Std Error                Limits

          a                0.3901      0.00504      0.3800      0.4003
          b                0.1016       0.0134      0.0747      0.1286

                        Approximate Correlation Matrix
                                       a               b

                       a       1.0000000       0.8878553
                       b       0.8878553       1.0000000
    PROC NLIN: Data from Draper and Smith: Method = DUD with Initial Search   24
                                               16:44 Wednesday, December 7, 2011

                  Obs    npoint       a         b       sumsq

                    1       1      0.3852    0.0952    51.7570
                    2       2      0.3852    0.0954    51.8282
                    3       3      0.3852    0.0956    51.9023
                    4       4      0.3852    0.0958    51.9794
                    5       5      0.3852    0.0960    52.0594
                    .       .         .         .          .
                    .       .         .         .          .
                    .       .         .         .          .
                  2497     2497     0.395    0.1044    53.5922
                  2498     2498     0.395    0.1046    53.4921
                  2499     2499     0.395    0.1048    53.3945
                  2500     2500     0.395    0.1050    53.2993


   Given the dataset below of 50 observations, assume the model

             Yi = a * cos(c + b * ti) + err,

   where err ~ N(0, sig2).

   1.  Use PROC NLIN with method = gauss to find estimates of a, b, and
       c.  Also provide an estimate of sig2.

       You will probably need to graph the data to decide what the
       starting values for a, b, and c should be.

   2.  Using a test based on -2 * log likelihood, test the hypothesis
       that c = .9.


   Obs     ti        yi

     1     0.2     0.20427
     2     0.4    -0.07374
     3     0.6    -0.02483
     4     0.8    -0.16959
     5     1.0    -0.43232
     6     1.2    -0.53239
     7     1.4    -0.97995
     8     1.6    -0.66267
     9     1.8    -1.12233
    10     2.0    -0.94835
    11     2.2    -0.78410
    12     2.4    -0.79513
    13     2.6    -0.54265
    14     2.8    -0.59817
    15     3.0    -0.71626
    16     3.2    -0.50005
    17     3.4    -0.11546
    18     3.6    -0.09870
    19     3.8    -0.29911
    20     4.0     0.38076
    21     4.2     0.40349
    22     4.4     1.07876
    23     4.6     0.84918
    24     4.8     0.60890
    25     5.0     0.66975
    26     5.2     0.53559
    27     5.4     1.32738
    28     5.6     1.01013
    29     5.8     0.97087
    30     6.0     0.99035
    31     6.2     0.72526
    32     6.4     0.55154
    33     6.6     0.35486
    34     6.8     0.36963
    35     7.0     0.04066
    36     7.2    -0.30633
    37     7.4    -0.53084
    38     7.6    -0.88813
    39     7.8    -0.81896
    40     8.0    -0.72137
    41     8.2    -0.85303
    42     8.4    -0.83439
    43     8.6    -1.05811
    44     8.8    -1.02931
    45     9.0    -0.94405
    46     9.2    -0.38597
    47     9.4    -0.72289
    48     9.6    -0.56342
    49     9.8    -0.72862
    50    10.0     0.04955



     Splus (and R) also have procedures which can minimize functions.  The
simplest of these is nlmin.  As with the Simplex method, one need
only define the function to be minimized; derivatives need not be
specified.  An example of nlmin is shown below.  Note that nlmin
does not produce estimates of derivatives of the function being
minimized or estimated standard errors.

     The Splus documentation for nlmin says:

     "The optimizer is based on a quasi-Newton method using the
      double dogleg step with the BFGS update to the Hessian."

     References are given in the Splus Reference Manual.


# This Splus program plots chlorine vs. time from the
# Draper dataset (generated by SAS program,
# and does least-squares regression using the S+ function nlmin.

# To run this program in Splus, say: source("draper.s").
# Then to see the results, say: m

postscript("", horizontal = F, onefile = T)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1), oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2))


sasdat <- sas.get(library = "/home/gnome/john-c/5421", mem = "draper")

time <-  sasdat[, "time"]
chlorine <- sasdat[, "chlorine"]

hist(chlorine, nclass = 6, main = "SPH 5421 Draper data: chlorine.")

par(new = F)

plot(time, chlorine)

b <- c(.5, .5)

f1 <- function(v)
  w <- exp(-v[2] * (time - 8))
  f <- v[1] + (.49 - v[1]) * w
  ssq <- sum((chlorine - f)^2)

m <- nlmin(f1, b, max.iter = 1000)

# rm(time, chlorine, sasdat, f, ssq, b, w)


     Use nlmin in R to find parameter estimates for the data and model
specified in Problem 28.

/home/walleye/john-c/5421/notes.026    Last update: December 7, 2011