The design and methods for MRFIT have been reported in detail elsewhere (MRFIT 1977 JChronDis, MRFIT 1981 PrevMed, MRFIT 1982 JAMA). Briefly, MRFIT was a randomized controlled trial on the primary prevention of CHD mortality among men ages 35 to 57 years who were at increased risk but without definitive clinical evidence of CHD (coronary heart disease) at baseline. From 1973 to 1975, 22 clinical centers in 18 cities across the U.S. screened 361,662 men for participation. Men were excluded at Screen 1 if they were at too low risk (their cigarette smoking, serum cholesterol, and blood pressure measurements did not place them in the upper 10-15% of a risk score distribution based on the Framingham Study), or if they were at too high risk (had a history of hospitalization for heart attack, diabetes mellitus requiring medication, serum cholesterol 350 mg/dL or higher, or diastolic blood pressure 115 mm Hg or higher. Screen 2 excluded men for obesity, clinical evidence of CVD, untreated symptomatic diabetes, diets incompatible with the MRFIT intervention (including excessive alcohol intake), treatment with certain medications (e.g. hypoglycemic or lipid-lowering agents), illnesses or disabilities likely to restrict full trial participation, and diastolic blood pressure 120 mm Hg or higher. At Screen 3, informed consent was obtained and the intervention was randomly assigned (stratified by clinic). The randomized intervention was comprised of dietary counseling to lower cholesterol, smoking cessation counseling, and stepped-care hypertension medication (Caggiula 1981 PrevMed, Hughes 1981 PrevMed, Cohen 1981 PrevMed) (called "special intervention" or SI). The placebo group (called "usual care" or UC) remained under the care of their primary physician. On or about each anniversary of randomization, participants returned to their clinical center for an examination by a MRFIT physician and to complete behavioral, medical history, and 24 hour dietary recall questionnaires. Fasting serum samples were collected for each participant and were analyzed at a central laboratory (Widdowson 1986 CCT) for total serum cholesterol, lipid fractions, and fasting glucose. Blood pressure was measured according to a standard protocol by certified personnel (Cohen 1981 PrevMed). Systolic and diastolic readings were recorded from the first and fifth Korotkoff phase readings obtained with a random-zero sphygmomanometer while the participant was seated. Blood pressure at baseline was defined as the average of 2 measurements at Screen 2 and two measurements at Screen 3. Use of hypertension medication was recorded at each annual visit. Age at randomization was determined from the participant's recorded birthdate. Race (African-American vs. not) was determined by self-report at Screen 1. Disrobed height and weight were recorded at Screen 2; we use Body Mass Index (BMI) in kg/m^2. Alcohol use was determined at Screen 2 by self-report of the number of drinks (beer, wine, whiskey, or other liquor) usually consumed per week. Cigarette use as self-reported number smoked per day was recorded at Screen 1. Randomization group is coded as 1 for special intervention and 0 for usual care. Income was given by self-report at Screen 2. All baseline values were collected prior to the beginning of the intervention. These observations reflect a sample of size 1000 of the randomized men taken proportional to clinic size: PROC FREQ data = dat ; TABLES clinic / out = freqcount ; DATA new ; MERGE dat freqcount ; BY clinic ; PROC SURVEYSELECT DATA = dat OUT = dat METHOD = PPS SEED = 7162002 SAMPSIZE = 1000 ; SIZE count ; Variables are as follows: ID: PARTICIPANT ID clinic: CLINIC sbpbl: BASELINE SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE (mm Hg)