The U.S. federal government collects data on metropolitan areas around the country. These areas are called Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA). An SMSA contains a city (or more than one) of a specified population size and the county (or counties) in which it is located. Sometimes contiguous counties are included as well. An SMSA may cross state lines. This data set contains (for each SMSA, listed on NKNW p. 1369) land area, total population, percent of population in the central cities, percent of population aged 65 years or more, number of active physicians, number of hospital beds, percent of population with a high school diploma or its equivalent, number of persons in the civilian labor force, total income of all residents, total number of serious crimes committed, and geographic region in which the SMSA is found (northeast, north central, south, or west). These data are from the late 1970's. These are the data found in NKNW Appendix: Neter, Kutner, Nachtsheim, and Wasserman (1996). Applied Linear Statistical Models, 4th Edition, Irwin Press, ISBN 0-256-11736-5.