NIGMS T32 Interdisciplinary Biostatistics Training in Genetics and Genomics

NIGMS T32 Interdisciplinary Biostatistics Training in Genetics and Genomics (T32 GM132063, 2020--2025)

  • Tranees: (usually junior) PhD students in Biostatistics or an affilated program at the University of Minnesota; US citizens or permanent residents; excellent academic records; strong interests in computation and analysis of genetic or genomic data.
    Interested applicants, especially under-represented minority students and students with disabilities, are encouraged to contact the PI Dr Wei Pan via email: panxx014@

  • Journal Club: schedule.

  • More NIGMS T32 information. In partciluar, from "Answers to Institutional Predoctoral Training Grants (T32) Frequently Asked Questions":
    Q. Does NIGMS provide travel funds for T32 predoctoral trainees?
    A. Yes, NIGMS pays a flat rate of $300 per trainee per year for travel.
    Q. Can we request costs for family health insurance for trainees?
    A. Tuition, fees and health insurance (self-only or family) are allowable trainee costs only if such charges are applied consistently to all people in a similar training status at the organization, without regard to their source of support. Health insurance can include coverage for costs such as vision and/or dental care if consistent with organizational policy. Health insurance is awarded as part of the Training Related Expenses category.