************************** Usage: Step 1. Create object file myicm2.o from C program myicm2.c: note that since a random number generation function in the ranlib package (available from Statlib at CMU) is used, you may need to install the package and modify the path in the makefile makeS2. Another simpler option probably is to use other random number generation functions available in your system and modify accordingly the impute() function in myicm.c. In Unix or SunOS: > make -f makeS2 Step 2. In Splus: > dyn.load("myicm2.o") > source("mi2test2.s") > mi2test2("mydata.dat") > source("mi2testABB2.s") > mi2testABB2("mydata.dat") ************************** Input data format for mi2test2() or mi2testABB2(): The input datafile for the above two SPlus functions contains multiple lines: each line is an abservation in the form of Li Ri j where the event is censored between Li and Ri (Li=0 for left-censoring; Ri=99999 for right-censoring; Ri=Li+epsilon (i.e. a tiny number) for an exact observation), and j=0 or 1 represents one of the two samples being compared. ************************* Reference: Pan, W. A Two-Sample Test with Interval Censored Data via Multiple Imputation. Statistics in Medicine, 19, 1-11, 2000. ************************* Wei Pan weip@biostat.umn.edu Feb 2000.